This is why we had to turn off the generator to safely cross this water. Interact with the lever on the right to turn off the power in this area. Head straight down past them and across the water. Just past where the second Crawler came from next to the candles you should find some Nails on a trolley. This is where I unlocked the Killer achievement for killing 20 enemies. The second Crawler is near some candles but you might be safer luring it back to the other light to kill it as well. There are two Crawlers in here, the first one comes from your left as you go through the gate so lure it back to the candle so you can safely deal with it. Head straight down in the opposite direction and, light a candle stand and open the gate. Head further through and take a left past some rattling lockers to find a Metal Dial in a urinal and Morphine on a shelf over a sink. Head further into the room, through an arch and you should find some Nails in a cabinet to your left. It's quite easy to get lost in here, especially if you have no sense of direction like me. Head through the door up here to Basement West. Now head back around, over a small bridge, head all the way up the stairs and around to find a candle stand next to another Slider and William’s Diary 02 (Dedication 5 of 8). With him gone you'll be safe to find a First Aid Kit (Relief 2 of 5) at the far end of the path to your left. You should find a candle stand in here to your right next to some Shotgun Shells, light it up so you can deal with a Crawler you’ll have to lure over here. Interact with it, use your Scalpel to cut the rope and head down into the Boiler Room To the right of the doll that had the Shotgun Part you should see a hatch. So back to the Main Hall, into the Chapel, through the Studio past where the wheelchair may or may not be if you dealt with him earlier. But be warned: things are only going to get more challenging from here on out.Remember where you found Shotgun Part A? Head back there now.

Once set into the pedestal in the Main Hall beside the Frozen Blood Medallion and Key Dial, you’ll be able to enter the Mausoleum.Ĭongratulations, you’re now making your way towards the end of the game.

After you solve the music box puzzle, you’ll finally be able to obtain William’s ID card. Now that you have the eye, return to William’s office in the 2nd-floor hallway and insert the Jade Eye into the bust to unlock the music box. That’s all it takes to solve the grandfather clock puzzle in Tormented Souls. Interact with it, and you’ll claim your prize. Once you set the correct time, a hand will pop out from the door at the top clutching the Jade Eye. With this in mind, the solution to the puzzle is to set the clock to December 25, 8:15:25. The positioning of the weapons: a longsword, shortsword, and spear are all intended to represent the hands of the clock. One painting depicts the birth of Christ, while the others feature archangels brandishing weapons. The clues to solving this puzzle lie in the paintings scattered around the room.
#Tormented souls metal dial how to
Here’s how to solve the grandfather clock puzzle in Tormented Souls. You’ll need this item to obtain William’s ID card, which is one of the three keys necessary for opening the doors to the Mausoleum. Located in the East Wing Hall of the mansion, the grandfather clock holds the Jade Eye. Tormented Souls Guide: How To Solve The Grandfather Clock Puzzle and Obtain The Jade Eye