
Insecticides and pesticides project
Insecticides and pesticides project

Radiation technology (SIT) for management of pink bollworm as an integral component of IPM(Co-PI)Įvaluation of mating disruption technique (SPLAT) against pink bollworm on Bt cotton (Co-PI) Investigation on the Present Pigeonpea Pest Complex and Their Management with Emphasis on Radiation Technology as an Integral Component in IPM(Co-PI)Į-pest surveillance under protected crop ecosystem(Co-PI) Gujurat Eco Microbial Technologies Ltd., Vadodara, Gujaratīioefficacy of FMC(I) 1446 against sucking insect pests and natural enemies on Bt cottonīioefficacy of FMC(I) 113 against leafhopper and whiteflies as well as natural enemies on Bt cottonīioefficacy of carbosulfan 25 %EC against thrips and aphids as well as natural enemies on Bt cottonīioefficacy and phytotoxity of Token (Dinotefuran 20%SG) against sucking insects pests on Bt cottonĮvaluation of SPLAT against fruit borer of brinjalĮxploration and exploitation of natural enemies of cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley(PI)Įvaluation of various insecticides against cotton pests.(PI) Management of storage pests and sucking pests of cotton with green nanoparticles Testing of bio-efficacy, phytotoxicity and effect on natural enemies of Indoxacarb 15.8% EC on Tomato against fruit borer ( Helicoverpaarmigera)Įvaluation of bioefficacy and phytotoxicity of chlorpyriphos 50% +cypermethrin 5%EC on brinjal against major pestsĮvaluation of miticide (PIM04120%WP) on tomato against red spider mitesīioefficacy of Flubendiamide 90+ Deltamethrin 60SC in cotton against thrips and pink bollwormīioefficacy of Carbofuran 3%CG against stem borer&Shootfly in Maize Investigations into the performance of microbial consortium in inducing resistance in crops for biotic and abiotic stressesĮngaging farmer Enriching knowledge – Agropedia – IIĮvaluation of novel insecticides against different crop pests

insecticides and pesticides project

Impact of climate change on Agriculture crops of Hyderabad Karnataka areaĮ-Pest surveillance in selected crop ecosystem through e-SAP Investigations on the present pigeonpea pest complex and Their Management with emphasis on Radiation Technology as an component of IPM Status of Insect Pests and Diseases in Direct Seeded RiceĬomprehensive Agri-business Extension service (CABES) under Digital Krishi Guidance to farmers for comprehensive management of pests using IT platformĮvaluation of Specialised Pheromone and Lure Application Technology (SPLAT) against Pink boll worm on cotton, fruit borer on Brinjal and pin worm on Tomato Pest and Disease Management for Climate Change AdaptationĮmpowering extension personnel of state department of horticulture through ICT platform eSAP for crop health management Strengthening of food quality testing laboratory by establishing food microbiology laboratoryįund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Education Institutions (FIST) KRIBHCO Sponsored project on Development of low cost technology for enhancing productivity of Desi cotton (AS CCPI)ĭetermination of quality pesticide formulation at Hyderabad-Karnataka region. ICAR CGP project on Integration of Entomo pathogenic nematodes with other biopesticides for the management of H. Monsonto Enterprises, Bangalore sponsored project On Development of IPM for Bt cotton in irrigated condition. Monsonto Enterprises, Bangalore sponsored project on Studies on pesticides reduction in cotton resulting from use of transgenic Bt cotton for commercial cultivation. (AS PI)īioefficacy of new insecticides against cotton and vegetable insect pests – sponsored by different insecticides firms. Rallis India Ltd., Bangalore sponsored project on Seed treatment against vegetable insect pests. (AS CCPI)ĬTM Sponsored project on Evaluation of location specific IPM in cotton. (As CO-PI)ĬTM Sponsored Project on Development of Pest and Disease forecast system in cotton.

insecticides and pesticides project

Ltd., Mumbai sponsored project on PBW management by using PB-Ropel mating disruptant.

insecticides and pesticides project

Monsonto Enterprises Bangalore sponsored project on Survival of Heliothis armigera on alternate hosts. Ltd., Mumbai sponsored project on Seed treatment chemicals against cotton early sucking insect pest (As PI) The Cotton Corporation of India, Mumbai sponsored project on Assessment of Cotton IPM and Mass Multiplication of Bio-agents. The Cotton Corporation of India, Mumbai sponsored ORP Project on cotton IPM demonstration in the farmers field. Investigations on the present Pigeonpea pest complex and their management with emphasis on Radiation technology as an Integrated component in IPMĪd-hoc projects (outside funded) handled as pi /co-piīioefficacy of new insecticide molecules sponsored by different insecticide firms and through AICCIP.

Insecticides and pesticides project